Online Help, User’s Guide, Installation Guide
Tools used: RoboHelp, Adobe FrameMaker, Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo, Arena Software, OptQuest
A technical writing project for Rockwell Automation’s Arena Software involved updating a documentation set consisting of over 20,000 files, 7 user’s guides, 20 help projects, and 5 product inserts. I completed the updates in 9 months.
The product’s comprehensive documentation is highly regarded by end users throughout the United States and Canada, and is a key selling point for the software. In addition to updating the documentation with the new features and changes for the current release, I converted all of the files to the latest versions of FrameMaker and RoboHelp.
Some of the documentation was over 25 years old, and many different technical writers worked on the product over the years, resulting in a mix of writing styles, outdated language usage, and inconsistent formatting. Since there wasn’t time in the contract for me to do a thorough edit of the documentation, I provided the client with a list of recommendations for bringing the documentation in line with current company and industry technical writing standards.
Here are some pieces from the documentation set.
Installation insert: Arena Software Installation
Manual describing how to use the product with a third-party product called OptQuest:
OptQuest for Arena User’s Guide
I can show you the help projects and full manual set when we meet in person.