Yesterday I met with a group of friends—oddly enough, none of these bunch are technical writers—to participate in the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup. Our group of 6 people picked up trash on a Vancouver shoreline for 2 hours and these are the amazing results:
- 570 food wrappers
- 1,074 takeout containers, cups, lids, bottles, cans, and utensils
- 432 plastic bags and pieces of packaging
- 1,120 pieces of tiny trash (1 inch or smaller)
- 19 bags of trash (91 Kg or 200 lbs)
- Additional furniture, construction waste, and large items totalled another 113 Kg or 250 lbs
- Total items picked up: 3,592 pieces of trash
- Total trail length cleaned up: 2.2 KM
For more details, see the full story on my BC Wilderness Visions blog. Thanks to my awesome friends for coming out on a Saturday morning to help make the world a more beautiful place.